Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Birthday celebration

This yr,1st beday yg takde cake :-(

perhaps,i wanna claim kek2 tu masa my wedding nnti..muahahhaa

My syg bwk me mkn2 kat tony romas.. tp yg mkn byk bukan beday gal tp yg tukang blanjer tu..


but i really missed last yr punya birthday celebration.. it was surprised birthday party by my close fwens. :-( bes taw dpt gather dgn kawan2.this yr kwn2 kebanyakkannye dh berumahtangga :-(

and life's goes on...

Wedding invitation

Dear Friends,
Because you have shared in our lives with your Friendship and Love, We ask you to join us for an intimate ceremony to celebrate our Love.

**Those who r invited to my fiance's side,kindly please RSVP before 15 mei 2008.
Please email to me ( ,or by
Clicking here

My fiance

I received a phone call from my fiance,he did pass the microsoft xm (ape ntah nama die:- yg pasti mcsa,mcp die dh lulus awal2 lg).

congrats syg.and believe it or not,he manage to score 100% ok!

congrats2.mlm ni blanjer i makan ok.

Goshh..24 days to go??!!

Last nite,me kicap and yip havin a chit chat and they all sume mengusik kata yg afta this me dh tak bole join the conference like we did recently.


i dont think so..maybe just kene masuk tido awal..yerla..the nx moring msti nak kene ready breakfast for my fut husband.kehkeh.

(i forgot to ask wether my fiance ni used to breakfast ke sebelum pegi keje..later la.)

hey ppl!!!24 days to go..haihhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Celebrity Look Alike

This entry dedicated to my beloved fren Kira and nooor.

hik hik hik.

Yg lain tutup mata yer.

TQ tag

Kanda Dinda called my fiance last week and asked us to decide which TQ tag yg diaorg design menjadi pujaan hati......

Me and my fiance choosed the 2nd one.. :-)

Pre Wedding Potraitures - part3

Nah~ini some of our pre wedding pics.

Enjoy ya!

bunger ini sgt lawa

manjers la konon

My syg on bang bang boom?!

Last few mnths,we are actually go to PKNS. masa tu ada appointment dgn butik kak sai.

when we reached at the entrance,ada la sorg pakcik buta nak melintas. i was like.."hey,knape org tgk jeee???kenapa tak tolong???" me bebel2 dlm kereta.

my syg pulak ckp "yang,u tolong la org tu.." then i said "hishh..takkan i nak pegang tgn lelaki tu"

then my syg pon agreed apa yg i ckp ( which is i think dia panic- not panic at the disco yerr) muahaha.

at first,my syg dah keluar but seems like pakcik tu almost smpai the other my fiance patah balik nak masuk kereta..bila my fiance patah balik,pakcik tu menghala ke kereta kitorg my syg pon bwk la pakcik tu till the entrance..i perasan,why la org gelak2..

so kitorg parking near to the entrance..then i saw lotsa camera there..


Sunday, April 20, 2008

Ayung's wedding

Today,i went to my fut sis in law wedding.

the wedding was held at Dewan wisma sejarah,KL.I should say it's a lovely wedding where all the family gathered.

Supposedly, saya ditugaskan utk memberi souvenir but today,saya dilanda demam semula.

Mmg tak larat sgt.saya cuma mkn kuih seri muka di majlis itu (mmg takde selera sgt) tp my lil bro ckp mknannya sungguh enak.

tgkla tu muka org mum suruh jaga kesihatan elok2..lagi sebulan je nak kawen ni.


kali ni rasa nak dgr ckp dokter:- makan antibiotik smpai habis.

It's a hint!

Gulp!jgn panik jgn panik!

Before my mum balik td,she gave me this quite terkejuts,tp buat2 maintain.haih mak,tak sbr2 nampak! mum ckp,kalo ade masa,baca.(mak tau me kalo baca buku2 motivasi ni msti ambik masa bertahun2)..kalo novel tu lajuuuu je habis..hahaha..

okla mak,akn along baca..skang ni rasa mcm nak buku lain dulu.

buku ape?rahsia laaaaa.... :-P

Friday, April 18, 2008

Wedding invitation

Saya sudah pon pos kad kahwin pd teman2.ada lagi ni yg harus di pos.

ada juga yg tak kasi address lagi

ada juga yg tak response langsung

ada juga yg mungkin terasa sbb aku xmintak address

susah juga nak ingat satu2 kawan kita yg ada.aku try to list out semua kawan2 dr zaman skolah rendah,sekolah menengah,universiti dan zaman selepas universiti.officemate takde masalah kot sbb bole email jek :-P

dilema btol psal kad kawen ni.rasa dihati mcm nak ajak semuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa yg aku kenal but still,kene sedar diri kad pon tak aku kasi pd siapa2 yg response aku punya sms,message kat frenster,ym,dan ape2 je la lagi alat komunikasi.

minta kerjasama kawan yg baca dan still tak kasi address (dlm hati mengharap aku approach dulu) plss...bakal pengantin ini terlalu byk perkara yg harus difikirkan..seriously..

kad2 yg bakal di pos

last night kicap asked me..stress tak dkt2 nak kawen ni...i said YES!.sumtimes hilang rasa excited sbb sgt stress fikir mcm2 perkara yg kdg2 buat jantung me semakin lemah.

i think same goes to my mum and my dad.diaorg lagi la kene make sure jiran2,opismate2 diaorg semua dijemput,takut ada yg tertinggal lalu menimbulkan ckp2 belakang yg sipolan tak dijemput dan sebagainya.ibu dan bapa pengantin pun terlalu byk perkara lain yg perlu di fikirkan.

itu belum lagi kene make sure semua sedara mara diseluruh pelusuk tanah air juga dijemput.hey,kalau ade yg tertinggal abes la k..smpai ke tua la org mengata..(kot).bukan nak kata la,certain ppl ni sentisitive tak bertempat..bila ada yg ajak mulut,tanya mana kad..ade yg bila bg kad,tanya pulak..tak bole ajak mulut ke?hahaha.pening taw..bakal pengantin ni sgt dilema.

ini baru psal kad..blom lg psal2 lain yg cr so far,alhamdulillah..psal dewan,kadi semuanya masih under ctrl..smlm i called kak nora..ckp psal pelamin..hmm..yg itu me cerita kemudian :-)

bak kata my fiance,lps kawen rasa nak baring

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Pelamin lagi

I called kak nora,asking bout the inai..kak nora ckp akk yg buat tu inai die tak thn lama so me dh tatau dah nak buat kat mana.anyone got contact no org buat inai kat ktn sila msg saya yer.

Btw,previous entry me talked bout pelamin..

ok,just wanna share...i want pelamin like this:

but my mak andam suggested sumthing like this:

so if u were me,which one will u choose?tulunn!


Tok Kadi

Last friday,my mum called me ..told me real sad story.

She said,the tok kadi yg akn nikahkan kitorg got another 3 couple nak nikahkan pd mlm yg sama.Tok kadi tu siap ckp..die nak nikahkan sume kat masjid...dhla masa me tau tu tgh ape bole buat kan

Tadi,my mum call lagi but now,die bgtau yg me bole nikah kat rumah (import other kawasan punya tok kadi) but still,my dad need to get permission from tok kadi kat my area.

phewww~ selesai seperkara..hopefully tok kadi kat my area tu bg la kan org lain takeover keje die..bukan xnak kawen kat masjid but like seriously i want that precious moment terjadi kat umah sndiri :-P

mengader seskali je.kata ratu sehari.heh

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Pelamin.

I requested my pelamin sumthing like azizah's ariffin pelamin on her wedding but my wedding planner said pelamin tu kecik..nnti tepian pentas nampak kosong so we need to think other design which is dlm masa skang ni susah la nal pk pelamin mcmana yg sesuai.

i told my mum,tak boley ke mak je yg pk..(jahad la haku ni) and my mum said..nnti kalau tak lawa die takut me marah..heh.

okla,so i decided to take leave sumwhere in this mnth la to settle down all this thing :-P

haih...makin dekat nak kawen ni makin byk bnde nak kene pk which is b4 this i tot makin dekat nak kawen,makin rileks..muehehehe..(jgn harap yer)

my dad plak busy travelling sana sini (meeting la bukan suka2) so my mum kene setel kebanyakan bnde by herself.nasib ada aunty Mas & Uncle Mad yg byk tolong my mum.mak ckp angah ngan adik pon byk tolong in terms of house cleaning...(terima kasih adik2ku) :-P

this weekend my parents akn dtg KL yuhuuu..attending my fut sis in law wedding..

So i guess i'll get my birthday present from them on this coming weekend..yeayyy!

Another 39 days


see the numbers?well,it's just a numberSSS..muahahahha.

hmpphh..been busy lately.knape ek..byk keje,keje byk.

sumore,there's few things came up like : me demam beberapa hari (ni still dmm ni),bout tok kadi,bout pelamin,bout everything la.

tp baju saya akn siap tak lama lagi.yeay!

if im not mistaken,baju siap dlm end of this mnth..xsaba dan risau juger.yerla kalau buruk cmne? :-P

me start cuti on 17th mei..iaitu 1 week before my wedding date..i think la kan..masa tu nak go for massage and scrubs..heee heeee..

one thing yg buat me risau sgt2 ialah berat badan..berat bdn sudah tidak menentu.

kdg2 turun,pastu naik balik..pstu turun balik.. :-(

hopefully my baju nnti oke laa..longgar takpe..ketat tu yg kacau.

k la.nnti smbung lagi,ciou!