Inspired by:
this Let me share mine.Ni selain dr purse,duit,lesen kete,lesen lori,lesen kapal terbang :-P
Juga selain dr kad nikah,bonuslink card la,real reward what eva membership cardss yg menimbun,kunci rumah,kunci kete.fuh. it goes.....Must have in my handbag!

Mac Lipglass: Penting ni esp kalau lps makan ke..harus sapu ;-)
Technakohl liner: A mechanical pencil-style liner. In formula, soft and creamy, with an intense, rich, colour deposit. Blends on application: dries quickly to a long-wear, non-smudge finish. Versatile.

Motorola RAZR (pink) : Present from hubby i think 2 yrs ni ade sentimental value :-P

Nokia N73: This phone my mum yg belikan.last yr kalau tak silap ;-) .Phone ni ada lg smpai ke hari ni.Mmg plan nak beli new phone tp xsure which model.saya suka N95 (yeah,mmg dh lama) tp phone ni mmg akn disimpan smpai bila2.(last phone sponsored by my mum).hahaha.
Mac studio fix: Studio Fix is a powder and foundation in one that combines good coverage with ease of application. Designed to be used dry, the powder and pigments create a matte, velvety texture. Ini harus ada dlm handbag.

Psp Pink: Present from hubby utk birthday last year ;-) kene bwk ni esp kalau kene tunggu org.(kat clinic ke,tgh servis kete ke,travel jauh2).syiok!Thks hubby!

Sony Cybershot: Penting utk snap pics lagi2 kalau pegi jalan2.bosan2 tangkap gamba.senang,ringan,kecik.saya tak suka sgt guna hp camera (unless kalau this cam kehabisan battery).

Versace bright crystal (miniature) : Ni penting lg2 balik dr mamak.adess..nnti lekat bau roti canai + kari etc etc..huhuhuhu..