Ramai juga yg tanya,"eh zatty,kau takde mengidam yg pelik2 ke??"
errr...my answer,NO! bukan takde mengidam lgsg,tp yg pelik2 tu takdela...
jap nak ingat2 balik ape yg me dok mengidam dr awl pregnant smpai la ke hari ni
1) Puding raja - ni masa bulan puasa.finally dpt,mak bw dtg kl.nak bagai nak rak,tp tak habis pon sebekas tu :-P
2) Rambutan gading - tiba2 dok tringat rambutan ni,tp sib la ade org jual kat area my hse ni..so hubby beli la + my officemate pon ade pokok rambutan ni kat umah dia..so mmg senang la nak dpt
3) Seri muka: Ni pon punye la senang nak dpt :-P yg ni me beli sndiri kat subang parade.later,my bro in law belikan kat pasar mlm.. :D
So far,3 bnde ni je yg btol2 bole diconsider mengidam (sbb dok tringat siang mlm).yg lain2 tu tak bole nak diconsider mengidam tetapi mengada :-P
Yg mengada mmg byk,nak bg cth pon malu.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Hari2 yg sukar
Me and Azwan melalui hari2 yg sukar.emm,bukan sukar ape,both of us disahkan terkena food poisoning!
Since ahad,kitorg melepek satu hari suntuk kat rumah,tdo..cant eat at all.makan bubur,keluar balik,mkn roti keluar balik..mkn je la pape semua keluar balik.
Rasa sedih sbb,kitorg bole tgk each other,nak tolong jaga mmg tak bole :-(
Alhamdulillah,today...kami beransur sihat...dpt la pegi klinik,ambik ubat semua.
Cuti lama pon tak rasa sbb tak dpt nak buat ape2 selain dr tido + muntah + tido + muntah
Since ahad,kitorg melepek satu hari suntuk kat rumah,tdo..cant eat at all.makan bubur,keluar balik,mkn roti keluar balik..mkn je la pape semua keluar balik.
Rasa sedih sbb,kitorg bole tgk each other,nak tolong jaga mmg tak bole :-(
Alhamdulillah,today...kami beransur sihat...dpt la pegi klinik,ambik ubat semua.
Cuti lama pon tak rasa sbb tak dpt nak buat ape2 selain dr tido + muntah + tido + muntah
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
"Kalau dia orang datang, I ceraikan you"
Haih,senang btol tau zaman skang nak cerai2.mcm main pondok2.Mana silapnya?salah isteri ke?suami ke?keluarga ke?or byk main ke? --> ala2 bell gitu.
Pendapat saya,sebelum kawen kita dh seharusnya ready mentally & physically + bilangan keluarga bertambah.Contohnya if dulu kita ada 2 adik je,skang kene campur skali dgn adik beradik suami/isteri.Dulu kita ada mak ayah kita je,now kita dh ada mak mertua and ayah mertua which is kita kene treat sama je mcmana kita treat mak ayah sndiri.we r one big family!
so any kekurangan any of family members,kita kene terima dgn positive.I knw,bukan senang nak sesuaikan diri dgn new family members,tp mind set kita tu sndiri kene btol,if kita keep thinking tht our in law tu = org asing,mmg sampai bila2 kita takkan dpt menerima kehadiran mereka.to me,bila kita kahwin dgn anak dia,meaning kita kahwin dgn whole family dia.u like it or not,mmg kena suka la kan.
Will cont later ya.chill!~
Thursday, December 18, 2008
All about pic! - tagging game
Been tagged by Budak nakal
A picture of you at the most unique environment

This one is during pre wedding
A picture of you at the place you dislike
Place i dislike?Mestila UITM! :-P This pic masa nak pegi class..hihi~
A picture of the people that mean a lot to you

That is!my dad,mum and husband.
A picture of you with your best smile (mouth open)
Pls take note,pic ni bout 2 yrs ago.hahaha!
A picture of you with your best smile (mouth close)
Pls excuse the extreme editing.wagahhaha!~
A picture of you with the lamest pose
A picture of someone that stands on top of your heart

A picture of you with some toys or cute stuff
Adoi,ni je pic yg me ada dgn cute stuff..cute ke? :-P
A picture of you in white shirt
Most of the pics ialah pic dulu2.Saja suka2. Anna,hope kamu berpuas hati yeaa :-P

This one is during pre wedding
A picture of you at the place you dislike
Place i dislike?Mestila UITM! :-P This pic masa nak pegi class..hihi~
A picture of the people that mean a lot to you
That is!my dad,mum and husband.
A picture of you with your best smile (mouth open)
Pls take note,pic ni bout 2 yrs ago.hahaha!
A picture of you with your best smile (mouth close)
Pls excuse the extreme editing.wagahhaha!~
A picture of you with the lamest pose
A picture of someone that stands on top of your heart

A picture of you with some toys or cute stuff
Adoi,ni je pic yg me ada dgn cute stuff..cute ke? :-P
A picture of you in white shirt
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
It's 5pm!.My routine sblm pulang sudah semestinya ke toilet & send sms to hubby,tanya nak mkn apa tonight.
"1 missed call"
tgk2,it's hubby office no.so tanpa membuang masa,i retuned his call..
Me: Sorry,dlm toilet td.ada apa?
Edge: Nothing.saja.U buat apa tu?
Me: On my way back.Ingatkan apa td.Napa tak sms je?
Edge: Sbb dlm email tu kata kena call dr office
Me: Huh?Email ape pulak?
*try pikir2 balik email ape la me anta td*
Me: lol!Lupa plak!Wah~fast response!
Edge: *ketawa* c u kat umah.mlm ni dinner outside ya.Bye.Syg u.
Me: okeeeeee..(pastu nyanyi2 sbb tayah masak) wakakakaka~
MOTSI- tu la pdn muka,fwd sgt email tp lupa.adoi la!
this is wht i fwd to him.Thks huda.Yg another one huda kasi,i simpan dgn rapi.cuz tht one byk kena kat muka sndiri :-P
SEBAGAI lelaki, pernahkah ego anda tercabar? Apatah lagi orang yang mencabar itu adalah insan paling rapat dengan anda iaitu isteri.
Panduan berikut mungkin mampu menjadi amalan anda untuk isteri tercinta supaya keutuhan cinta terus bertahan lama. Jika anda mampu mendalaminya, pasti anda menjadi lelaki yang paling disanjungi isteri.
1. Telefon isteri dari tempat kerja (ni la yg edge mksudkan) untuk bertanya khabar, memberitahu sesuatu yang menarik atau sekadar ingin menyatakan ‘I love you’. Gunakan teknologi yang ada kini sepenuhnya. Sering menelefon atau menghantar e-mel untuk menunjukkan bahawa dia sering di hati kamu.
Bagi wanita, walaupun hanya satu ungkapan atau ayat, ia sangat berharga dan rasa begitu bahagia menerimanya.
2. Ucapkan kata-kata sayang sekurang-kurangnya dua kali sehari.
3. Tolong kemaskan katil dan bilik tidur.
4. Tolong terbalikkan stoking atau seumpamanya untuk memudahkan isteri mencuci. Tolong buang sampah tanpa disuruh.
5. Apabila keluar daerah, telefon isteri untuk memberitahu nombor telefon tempat penginapan dan memberitahu yang anda sudah selamat sampai.
6. Tunjukkan kepimpinan yang baik, suami adalah ketua rumah tangga dan pendidik.
7. Berbincang dari semasa ke semasa, jangan ketepikan pendapat isteri. Berkongsi masalah dengan mereka, sekurang-kurangnya membuatkan mereka rasa penting dalam diri anda.
8. Sentiasa kemas, anggun dan wangi sebelum tidur bersama.
9. Sokong pendapat isteri jika dia bertentangan pendapat dengan orang lain, tetapi perlulah secara rasional. Sekiranya pendapat isteri salah, betulkan.
10. Urut isteri dari semasa ke semasa.
11. Peluk dan belai isteri sekali-sekala tanpa implikasi seksual.
12. Sabar dan tenang apabila mendengar cerita serta masalah isteri.
13. Pamerkan kasih sayang apabila di khalayak ramai. Jangan abaikan isteri atau tinggalkannya jauh bila berjalan.
14. Apabila berpegang tangan, jangan biarkan tangan longlai.
15. Buatkan air minuman atau seumpamanya sekali-sekala.
16. Apabila makan di luar, jangan harapkan isteri saja yang memilih tempat untuk makan.
17. Sabar apabila isteri terlambat sedikit atau dengan tiba-tiba ingin menukar baju yang dipakai atau menukar rancangan.
18. Beri perhatian yang lebih pada isteri daripada orang lain di khalayak ramai.
19. Lebihkan isteri anda daripada anak-anak.
20. Belikan hadiah kecil dari semasa ke semasa seperti minyak wangi dan jam. Kad ucapan juga dapat mengeratkan lagi hubungan kasih sayang dengan isteri.
21. Apabila Aidilfitri tiba, jangan beri duit raya kepada anak-anak saja, tetapi beri juga kepada isteri.
22. Perempuan inginkan perhatian dan kasih sayang, terutama daripada yang disayangi. Oleh itu tunjukkan sifat keprihatinan dan kasih sayang yang tidak ternilai kepada mereka.
23. Jangan ambil mudah perkara yang amat penting bagi wanita. Wanita cukup kuat mengingati tarikh penting contohnya hari ulang tahun. Sesekali, buatlah kejutan supaya mereka rasa lebih disayangi.
24. Jangan kedekut memberi pujian kerana mereka berhak menerima pujian.
25. Wanita juga ada ego terselit di celah kelembutan mereka. Apabila mereka rasa terancam atau tercabar, lahirlah sifat marah, cemburu dan cepat merajuk.
Masalah timbul bila mereka suka memendam perasaan dan ‘meletup’ suatu hari. Tetapi sebagai lelaki, usah sama-sama meletup. Cuba selesaikan masalah dalam keadaan terkawal dan fikir secara positif misalnya, mencari punca wanita cemburu atau marah.
P/s: nice article is it?
"1 missed call"
tgk2,it's hubby office no.so tanpa membuang masa,i retuned his call..
Me: Sorry,dlm toilet td.ada apa?
Edge: Nothing.saja.U buat apa tu?
Me: On my way back.Ingatkan apa td.Napa tak sms je?
Edge: Sbb dlm email tu kata kena call dr office
Me: Huh?Email ape pulak?
*try pikir2 balik email ape la me anta td*
Me: lol!Lupa plak!Wah~fast response!
Edge: *ketawa* c u kat umah.mlm ni dinner outside ya.Bye.Syg u.
Me: okeeeeee..(pastu nyanyi2 sbb tayah masak) wakakakaka~
MOTSI- tu la pdn muka,fwd sgt email tp lupa.adoi la!
this is wht i fwd to him.Thks huda.Yg another one huda kasi,i simpan dgn rapi.cuz tht one byk kena kat muka sndiri :-P
SEBAGAI lelaki, pernahkah ego anda tercabar? Apatah lagi orang yang mencabar itu adalah insan paling rapat dengan anda iaitu isteri.
Panduan berikut mungkin mampu menjadi amalan anda untuk isteri tercinta supaya keutuhan cinta terus bertahan lama. Jika anda mampu mendalaminya, pasti anda menjadi lelaki yang paling disanjungi isteri.
1. Telefon isteri dari tempat kerja (ni la yg edge mksudkan) untuk bertanya khabar, memberitahu sesuatu yang menarik atau sekadar ingin menyatakan ‘I love you’. Gunakan teknologi yang ada kini sepenuhnya. Sering menelefon atau menghantar e-mel untuk menunjukkan bahawa dia sering di hati kamu.
Bagi wanita, walaupun hanya satu ungkapan atau ayat, ia sangat berharga dan rasa begitu bahagia menerimanya.
2. Ucapkan kata-kata sayang sekurang-kurangnya dua kali sehari.
3. Tolong kemaskan katil dan bilik tidur.
4. Tolong terbalikkan stoking atau seumpamanya untuk memudahkan isteri mencuci. Tolong buang sampah tanpa disuruh.
5. Apabila keluar daerah, telefon isteri untuk memberitahu nombor telefon tempat penginapan dan memberitahu yang anda sudah selamat sampai.
6. Tunjukkan kepimpinan yang baik, suami adalah ketua rumah tangga dan pendidik.
7. Berbincang dari semasa ke semasa, jangan ketepikan pendapat isteri. Berkongsi masalah dengan mereka, sekurang-kurangnya membuatkan mereka rasa penting dalam diri anda.
8. Sentiasa kemas, anggun dan wangi sebelum tidur bersama.
9. Sokong pendapat isteri jika dia bertentangan pendapat dengan orang lain, tetapi perlulah secara rasional. Sekiranya pendapat isteri salah, betulkan.
10. Urut isteri dari semasa ke semasa.
11. Peluk dan belai isteri sekali-sekala tanpa implikasi seksual.
12. Sabar dan tenang apabila mendengar cerita serta masalah isteri.
13. Pamerkan kasih sayang apabila di khalayak ramai. Jangan abaikan isteri atau tinggalkannya jauh bila berjalan.
14. Apabila berpegang tangan, jangan biarkan tangan longlai.
15. Buatkan air minuman atau seumpamanya sekali-sekala.
16. Apabila makan di luar, jangan harapkan isteri saja yang memilih tempat untuk makan.
17. Sabar apabila isteri terlambat sedikit atau dengan tiba-tiba ingin menukar baju yang dipakai atau menukar rancangan.
18. Beri perhatian yang lebih pada isteri daripada orang lain di khalayak ramai.
19. Lebihkan isteri anda daripada anak-anak.
20. Belikan hadiah kecil dari semasa ke semasa seperti minyak wangi dan jam. Kad ucapan juga dapat mengeratkan lagi hubungan kasih sayang dengan isteri.
21. Apabila Aidilfitri tiba, jangan beri duit raya kepada anak-anak saja, tetapi beri juga kepada isteri.
22. Perempuan inginkan perhatian dan kasih sayang, terutama daripada yang disayangi. Oleh itu tunjukkan sifat keprihatinan dan kasih sayang yang tidak ternilai kepada mereka.
23. Jangan ambil mudah perkara yang amat penting bagi wanita. Wanita cukup kuat mengingati tarikh penting contohnya hari ulang tahun. Sesekali, buatlah kejutan supaya mereka rasa lebih disayangi.
24. Jangan kedekut memberi pujian kerana mereka berhak menerima pujian.
25. Wanita juga ada ego terselit di celah kelembutan mereka. Apabila mereka rasa terancam atau tercabar, lahirlah sifat marah, cemburu dan cepat merajuk.
Masalah timbul bila mereka suka memendam perasaan dan ‘meletup’ suatu hari. Tetapi sebagai lelaki, usah sama-sama meletup. Cuba selesaikan masalah dalam keadaan terkawal dan fikir secara positif misalnya, mencari punca wanita cemburu atau marah.
P/s: nice article is it?
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Semi Final AJL - Pop Rock
Well,since mendapat komen dr pembaca setia yg tak puas hati me asek ckp psal baby & perut,lemme share sumthing else la pulak.something yg fresh and up to date kononnye :-P
Sila bc topic: Tp me bukannya nak komen setiap contestant,sbb tak tgk smpai abes pon-tertido! duhh~ busan sgt! me tgk smpai sofaz jek.
ni nak cerita psal elyana.yg lain2 tu kalo rajin nnti me komen sikit2.nway,masa elyana keluar,1st thing yg me tgk,ialah kaki dia.edge pon tanya "eh dia pakai kasut tak?"heh..and surprisingly,die pakai!
oklah kan pakai.so persoalan seterusnya,nak tgk dia nyanyi pakai kasut cmne..me yg td baring,tros bgn (nak fokus) tp alangkah kecewanya bila elok2 je nak start fokus,elyana ni duduk la plak.
Ingat dia nak duduk kejap,rupanya tros ala2 berdikir barat kat situ.
what say ya?
me?ntah,nak ckp unik,tp pelik.for me,kalo btol la die nak duduk,minta lah high chair ke so nmpak elok sikit la wat persembahan tu.sbb ni kan rancangan hiburan.kata pop rock.ni dh rupe berdikir barat.mungkin ade org suke :-P
tp respek pd stacy,suara maintain.tak mcm mila,semput..mcm tak cukup latihan ke ape.ntah2 demam.
mila demam ke?sama lah kita.me dh baper hari selsema tak elok2.aritu p klinik,doc bg ubat selsema yg katanya selamat utk pregnancy.so makan je la.tp ubat tu masyaAllah,nak gerak tgn pon tak terdaya!tros tanak mkn,sbb rase bersalah kat baby :-( msti dia pon rasa tak bes kat dlm sana.
ni,still selsema.dmm dh kurg tp tak tahulah.suhu badan boleh berubah2 esp mlm2 hari.susah nak tdo lately..edge pon dmm.
Sila bc topic: Tp me bukannya nak komen setiap contestant,sbb tak tgk smpai abes pon-tertido! duhh~ busan sgt! me tgk smpai sofaz jek.
ni nak cerita psal elyana.yg lain2 tu kalo rajin nnti me komen sikit2.nway,masa elyana keluar,1st thing yg me tgk,ialah kaki dia.edge pon tanya "eh dia pakai kasut tak?"heh..and surprisingly,die pakai!
oklah kan pakai.so persoalan seterusnya,nak tgk dia nyanyi pakai kasut cmne..me yg td baring,tros bgn (nak fokus) tp alangkah kecewanya bila elok2 je nak start fokus,elyana ni duduk la plak.
Ingat dia nak duduk kejap,rupanya tros ala2 berdikir barat kat situ.
what say ya?
me?ntah,nak ckp unik,tp pelik.for me,kalo btol la die nak duduk,minta lah high chair ke so nmpak elok sikit la wat persembahan tu.sbb ni kan rancangan hiburan.kata pop rock.ni dh rupe berdikir barat.mungkin ade org suke :-P
tp respek pd stacy,suara maintain.tak mcm mila,semput..mcm tak cukup latihan ke ape.ntah2 demam.
mila demam ke?sama lah kita.me dh baper hari selsema tak elok2.aritu p klinik,doc bg ubat selsema yg katanya selamat utk pregnancy.so makan je la.tp ubat tu masyaAllah,nak gerak tgn pon tak terdaya!tros tanak mkn,sbb rase bersalah kat baby :-( msti dia pon rasa tak bes kat dlm sana.
ni,still selsema.dmm dh kurg tp tak tahulah.suhu badan boleh berubah2 esp mlm2 hari.susah nak tdo lately..edge pon dmm.
Pagi td,bgn awl sikit utk house cleaning + basuh kain + sesi menggosok.Sedar xsedar,dah setahun duduk this house..Baru2 ni owner call,ingat dia nak jual umah ni to someone else,rupe2nye die ckp dia taknak berurusan dgn agent lg,so papehal pasni direct to dia la.bagus juga tu.tp takde efek sgt kat kitorg.bukan turun pon rege sewa umah ni ha :-P
Tp apa2pon kitorg bersyukur,at least ada tempat utk berteduh.Sblm kawen lg edge dh ckp,dia prefer duduk sndiri rather than stay wif family.sbb nak privacy.me myself pon dh byk bc psal konflik kalo duduk ngan parents,tak kesahla parent sndiri or parent in law.takut tao!tp ada je yg okay.depends la kan.those yg takde prob,alhamdulillah :-)
Then,tghari sikit pegi jumpa abah di BB.Ambik sesuatu.Kebetulan abah ada event di KL so jmpa lah kejap.Then lunch skali la dgn abah.lps jmpa abah,pergi ampang kejap jenguk alang.dh lama tak pegi ampang since my parent in law sume sdg bercuti sakan selama sebulan.huh~jeles + Rindu dkt masakan my MIL :D
Nway alg,thks for the pizza :-P
Esok dah isnin.tak bes lgsg!hehe.kan bes kalo bole skip isnin.tp nasib la bulan 12 ni byk cuti umum..tp me dh takde coti :-( ramai org ambik cuti krismas smbung terus ke new yr :-((
tp masa new yr nnti me cuti pjg..hoorray!takde pegi mana2 pon.ambil cuti sbb nak pergi detailed scanned.tht hosp hanya buat detailed scan on friday.so i have no choice la,kene cuti 2/1 tu.Rasa tak sbr & friends,doakan semoga my lil one sihat sempurna hendaknya.AMIN.
Oh yea,dikesempatan ini,me nak wish selamat pengantin baru kepada my colleague Fahmi,yg menikah jumaat lepas.Congrats beb!Semoga berbahagia selamanya.
Tp apa2pon kitorg bersyukur,at least ada tempat utk berteduh.Sblm kawen lg edge dh ckp,dia prefer duduk sndiri rather than stay wif family.sbb nak privacy.me myself pon dh byk bc psal konflik kalo duduk ngan parents,tak kesahla parent sndiri or parent in law.takut tao!tp ada je yg okay.depends la kan.those yg takde prob,alhamdulillah :-)
Then,tghari sikit pegi jumpa abah di BB.Ambik sesuatu.Kebetulan abah ada event di KL so jmpa lah kejap.Then lunch skali la dgn abah.lps jmpa abah,pergi ampang kejap jenguk alang.dh lama tak pegi ampang since my parent in law sume sdg bercuti sakan selama sebulan.huh~jeles + Rindu dkt masakan my MIL :D
Nway alg,thks for the pizza :-P
Esok dah isnin.tak bes lgsg!hehe.kan bes kalo bole skip isnin.tp nasib la bulan 12 ni byk cuti umum..tp me dh takde coti :-( ramai org ambik cuti krismas smbung terus ke new yr :-((
tp masa new yr nnti me cuti pjg..hoorray!takde pegi mana2 pon.ambil cuti sbb nak pergi detailed scanned.tht hosp hanya buat detailed scan on friday.so i have no choice la,kene cuti 2/1 tu.Rasa tak sbr & friends,doakan semoga my lil one sihat sempurna hendaknya.AMIN.
Oh yea,dikesempatan ini,me nak wish selamat pengantin baru kepada my colleague Fahmi,yg menikah jumaat lepas.Congrats beb!Semoga berbahagia selamanya.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Pre-Raya with taeyong,joe biden & Imran
Errr~i think we need at least a whole day loooong to discuss & talk- bout soooo many thing!
Almaklum dh lama xjumpa (dgn joe & Imran) so mcm2 bnda lah nak diceritakan.Dgn taeyong even tak jumpa hari2 tp hari2 juga lah sembang.heh.
Our main topic masa tu ialah ~ psal kerja.Yelah,most of us came from diff industry.Tp ada juga lah ckp psal bnda lain.heh.
Btw,thks to mr Imran sbb belanja me & husband tht day.Ko bernasib baik sbb aku dgn azwan dtg dlm keadaan kenyang yg amat sgt.Nx time aku nak rasa duit ass manager plak :-P tp lamb chop tu mmg sedaplah!! aghhh~nyesal xorder :-P
Perempuan mengandung & anak dara (promote ni) :-P
P/s: Thks to mr hubby,cuz temankan me tht day.
Almaklum dh lama xjumpa (dgn joe & Imran) so mcm2 bnda lah nak diceritakan.Dgn taeyong even tak jumpa hari2 tp hari2 juga lah sembang.heh.
Our main topic masa tu ialah ~ psal kerja.Yelah,most of us came from diff industry.Tp ada juga lah ckp psal bnda lain.heh.
Btw,thks to mr Imran sbb belanja me & husband tht day.Ko bernasib baik sbb aku dgn azwan dtg dlm keadaan kenyang yg amat sgt.Nx time aku nak rasa duit ass manager plak :-P tp lamb chop tu mmg sedaplah!! aghhh~nyesal xorder :-P
Perempuan mengandung & anak dara (promote ni) :-P
P/s: Thks to mr hubby,cuz temankan me tht day.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
I received sms from 014-***0650 this morning:
" TAHNIAH! No sim anda telah berjaya memenangi cek RM30,000 daripada petronas.
Sila call : 014-354802*"
Anyone interested?
" TAHNIAH! No sim anda telah berjaya memenangi cek RM30,000 daripada petronas.
Sila call : 014-354802*"
Anyone interested?
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Recent buys
Sunday, November 16, 2008
20 weeks
Cant believe im 20 weeks pregnant!Half way to go (Amin)..Last friday,we went for mnthly checkup..my baby sgt active at the time sampai doc payah nak capture pix.aiayayaya.
masa last mnth punya checkup pon doc ckp active,this time super duper active.pusing sana,pusing sini but we able to see our lil's head,tgn & kaki..heartbeat pon nampak :-) Alhamdulillah. Hope my lil one doing well kat dlm my tummy!AMIN!
My weight pun dh naik sikit.better than previous month..eheh.selera dh okay balik.sumtimes je takde mood nak makan.susu pon dh boley minum.tp susu strawberry la :-P
Nway,this pix dedicated to YIP! Yang,pic perut.. i'll send to u later.tak bley paste here.u knw,i kan shy shy cat type :-P

Today,we bought some baby stuff.alah beli baby rompers je pon :D bukan apa,geram sgt + tht kedai tgh sale so beli je lah!actually kitorg survey brg lain tp nampak this cute rompers so i cant resisssst!
Cute baby rompers!Rasa pernah nampak dkt times square.Later,if jumpa lg terus nak beli.Bole buat utk newborn photoshoot ke? :-P
Ahhh,baby stuff semua pon cute!Rambang mata!!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
baby blom pon masuk 5 bulan tp dh fikir psal stroller.Over tak?hehe.Anak 1st,mcm ni la kot.Sumore,there are many different types of strollers tht available on the market today, and it's soooo hard to choose which is right for our baby!
Saja suka2 survey...cuma tak decide nak beli bila,maybe sblm deliver.maybe after pantang.It depends la.Then tak decide nak beli yang mana.me suka yg mcm ni,hubby nak yg begitu.So baby,later kitorg decide ya.
One of my fren suggested to buy after deliver so tht bole try letak die dlm stroller.
Jangan letak dlm Stokke sudah.Harus la baby suka kan.mummy & daddy yg meraung nnti.
Price Stokke ni almost rm5K.Bole beli motor sebijik,or byr d/payment kereta baru.hihihi.sorry la baby..if tiba2 salary kitorg naik jd rm50K,kitorg beli okay! :-P (mustahil!)
Me and hubby mempunyai pendapat yg berbeza psal stroller.
I actually like this one:

Hubby suka yg ni:

and this one

But En Edge,tht day..i mimpi...baby prefer this one:

Or this one

Guide when selecting baby stroller:
1) Decide What u need
-The right stroller is one that will fit your unique lifestyle needs.
2) Choose the strollers
- Compare features of strollers on the net to find a few that match your criteria. Also, read reviews at opinions.
3) Buy
- Compare prices and purchase!
This one tak pernah nampak lg kat malaysia!

baby blom pon masuk 5 bulan tp dh fikir psal stroller.Over tak?hehe.Anak 1st,mcm ni la kot.Sumore,there are many different types of strollers tht available on the market today, and it's soooo hard to choose which is right for our baby!
Saja suka2 survey...cuma tak decide nak beli bila,maybe sblm deliver.maybe after pantang.It depends la.Then tak decide nak beli yang mana.me suka yg mcm ni,hubby nak yg begitu.So baby,later kitorg decide ya.
One of my fren suggested to buy after deliver so tht bole try letak die dlm stroller.
Jangan letak dlm Stokke sudah.Harus la baby suka kan.mummy & daddy yg meraung nnti.
Price Stokke ni almost rm5K.Bole beli motor sebijik,or byr d/payment kereta baru.hihihi.sorry la baby..if tiba2 salary kitorg naik jd rm50K,kitorg beli okay! :-P (mustahil!)
Me and hubby mempunyai pendapat yg berbeza psal stroller.
I actually like this one:

Tp hubby tak berkenan,sbb: first...takde shopping basket.second: seat dia tak boleh recline.Kena beli car seat then dia baru la sesuai utk baby :-( dhla kalo complete set (stroller + car seat) -price dia quite expensive :-(
If beli together wif car seat,this stroller akn jd mcm ni:

Cute kan?
Hubby suka yg ni:

and this one

But En Edge,tht day..i mimpi...baby prefer this one:

Or this one

Guide when selecting baby stroller:
1) Decide What u need
-The right stroller is one that will fit your unique lifestyle needs.
2) Choose the strollers
- Compare features of strollers on the net to find a few that match your criteria. Also, read reviews at opinions.
3) Buy
- Compare prices and purchase!
This one tak pernah nampak lg kat malaysia!

Yesterday,me and one of my gewd fren talked bout-friends..i mean,characters yg ada pd manusia yg bernama-kawan.mcm2 rupanya.
Character yg positive:
- Trustworthy
- Caring
- Baik hati
- Murah hati
- Good listener
- Ada ketika susah senang
Character yg negative
- Batu api.Suka laga2 kan dgn kwn2 lain
- Suka ambil kesempatan atas kelemahan kawan
- Mencuri brg2 kawan (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!)
- Bermuka2.or talam 2 muka
- Yg tak bole tgk kawan senang sikit.
- Jenis yang..kalau dia gurau over dgn org takpe,bila kena kat muka sndiri,tau plak nak terasa over.
- Ingat kwn bila senang je
- Tak percaya kwn- what for berkwn?
...dan mcm2 lg.
Tp kita ttp kawan :-)
Can you define a good friend in your own words?
Character yg positive:
- Trustworthy
- Caring
- Baik hati
- Murah hati
- Good listener
- Ada ketika susah senang
Character yg negative
- Batu api.Suka laga2 kan dgn kwn2 lain
- Suka ambil kesempatan atas kelemahan kawan
- Mencuri brg2 kawan (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!)
- Bermuka2.or talam 2 muka
- Yg tak bole tgk kawan senang sikit.
- Jenis yang..kalau dia gurau over dgn org takpe,bila kena kat muka sndiri,tau plak nak terasa over.
- Ingat kwn bila senang je
- Tak percaya kwn- what for berkwn?
...dan mcm2 lg.
Tp kita ttp kawan :-)
Can you define a good friend in your own words?
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tagging Game!
I've been tagged by marlissa :-)
1) When first time you meet him/her?
Hm,2 yrs back lps sms-ing,ym-ing (knew him from a friend of mine-which is kwn dia jugak).Our 1st met ialah dkt my hometown-kuantan.Dia dtg wif his lil brother (sgt skema kan) :-P
2) What do you feel?
Rasa mcm2.because at the time,i promised myself biarlah dia ni lelaki terakhir dlm my life.Lalalala~Alhamdulillah,he's the one.Lps jumpa,tak lama lps tu he proposed me (ajak kawen) and i asked him to do in proper way la (adat melayu-meminang).Then parents die dtg my hse,meminang --->bertunang ----> menikah (alhamdulillah dgn skali lafaz)
3) What you feel right now?
Now?greatttttttttttttt!Alhamdulillah dah 5 mnths berkahwin + ada lil angel in my belly -Best sgt!
4) If your enemy do anything that you hate, what you will do first?
1st,geleng kepala,suka hati diaorg lah!
5) Give 5 characters that have at you.....
a) suka membaca
b) bertolak ansur :-P
c) malas masak (currently)
d) suka berangan
e) good listener (pd hubby) :-P
6) If he/her have broke your heart, what your action?
nangis ler.pastu br pk ape patut dibuat!
7) What character you like toward him/her?
a) bertanggungjawab
b) berdikari
c) caring
d) suka melawak
8) Who is the name of no.1?
Allah S.W.T
9) If your lover become your enemies, is it you will hate him/her?
Depends :-P
10) The most memorable thing he/her had done to you?
11) The most thing that he/her have said to you?
"u dah mkn?"
"how's my lil baby?"
"baby & mummy take care,i love both of u!"
12) To the person that always support to you?
My husband,My lil angel,My family,friends - I love you guys!
Saya nak tag En Edge & Miss Taeyong!
1) When first time you meet him/her?
Hm,2 yrs back lps sms-ing,ym-ing (knew him from a friend of mine-which is kwn dia jugak).Our 1st met ialah dkt my hometown-kuantan.Dia dtg wif his lil brother (sgt skema kan) :-P
2) What do you feel?
Rasa mcm2.because at the time,i promised myself biarlah dia ni lelaki terakhir dlm my life.Lalalala~Alhamdulillah,he's the one.Lps jumpa,tak lama lps tu he proposed me (ajak kawen) and i asked him to do in proper way la (adat melayu-meminang).Then parents die dtg my hse,meminang --->bertunang ----> menikah (alhamdulillah dgn skali lafaz)
3) What you feel right now?
Now?greatttttttttttttt!Alhamdulillah dah 5 mnths berkahwin + ada lil angel in my belly -Best sgt!
4) If your enemy do anything that you hate, what you will do first?
1st,geleng kepala,suka hati diaorg lah!
5) Give 5 characters that have at you.....
a) suka membaca
b) bertolak ansur :-P
c) malas masak (currently)
d) suka berangan
e) good listener (pd hubby) :-P
6) If he/her have broke your heart, what your action?
nangis ler.pastu br pk ape patut dibuat!
7) What character you like toward him/her?
a) bertanggungjawab
b) berdikari
c) caring
d) suka melawak
8) Who is the name of no.1?
Allah S.W.T
9) If your lover become your enemies, is it you will hate him/her?
Depends :-P
10) The most memorable thing he/her had done to you?
11) The most thing that he/her have said to you?
"u dah mkn?"
"how's my lil baby?"
"baby & mummy take care,i love both of u!"
12) To the person that always support to you?
My husband,My lil angel,My family,friends - I love you guys!
Saya nak tag En Edge & Miss Taeyong!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Baby Gender Prediction
Dear mommies to be,
You may go to this site: But remember,bnda ni suka2/for fun only.Semuanya dah ditentukan Allah :-)

Me and hubby tak kisah..girl ke,boy ke..asalkan our lil angel sihat,sempurna..AMIN.

You may go to this site: But remember,bnda ni suka2/for fun only.Semuanya dah ditentukan Allah :-)
Me and hubby tak kisah..girl ke,boy ke..asalkan our lil angel sihat,sempurna..AMIN.

Saturday, November 1, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Your sleeping position
Personal Sleeping position
Lately,i was wondering bout my sleeping position.Since pregnant,I'll always terjaga tengah2 mlm,because of wrong sleeping position.Sumtimes hubby pun takut tgk (ye la,my baby bump getting bigger)
My fav sleeping position: Freefaller & Foetus. Now pon kadang ter-freefaller.smpai rasa senak baru lah ubah to foetus (I wonder how 7/8/9 mnths pregnant nanti-msti kene tdo mcm starfish) :-P

What a sleeping position can say about a couple

First row:
1. - couples, where the woman depends on her man
2. - older man / very young girl couples
3. - after having an argument
Second row:
4. - after a long day at work-Too tired
5. - Relationship getting bad
6. - they trust each other.
Which yours,readers?
Mine - rahsia :-P
Lately,i was wondering bout my sleeping position.Since pregnant,I'll always terjaga tengah2 mlm,because of wrong sleeping position.Sumtimes hubby pun takut tgk (ye la,my baby bump getting bigger)
My fav sleeping position: Freefaller & Foetus. Now pon kadang ter-freefaller.smpai rasa senak baru lah ubah to foetus (I wonder how 7/8/9 mnths pregnant nanti-msti kene tdo mcm starfish) :-P

What a sleeping position can say about a couple

First row:
1. - couples, where the woman depends on her man
2. - older man / very young girl couples
3. - after having an argument
Second row:
4. - after a long day at work-Too tired
5. - Relationship getting bad
6. - they trust each other.
Which yours,readers?
Mine - rahsia :-P
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
"Sweet memories remind us of the roads we have traveled and the people we have loved"

Recently,i've received an email from Joe_biden :-P
I've edit here and there-(personal purposes)- Hazri,nx time pls mind ur grammar, tenses & so forth + habis hancur kau eja nama org!wagahahahha.
Dear all my valued friends,
Hazri here.. why I used this user name( ayub_akob)? it is really hard to find this kind of classical name of Malay among Malays. Ali, Abu, Ayub, Akob etc. Really miss those names. The 80’s parents prefer to name their children with urban name…. I guess like Hazri??!!, Remi, Heri (sori bro using your name), Joehenaliswati, Ashimalaily ( I think Y is more glamorous than I at the back of the name), fasha Sandha, Asyraff Sinclair etc. Just stated a few of them…………. Why not we recall back those name to your children? …….. in Retro pre independence name… (Zati, Maziah, both are you willing to do that? When both of you are going to 'workshop’? I guess for alignment, balancing and overhaul process)!!?.
When I joined you guys, I saw there was radically reduction on the species called male. Until ……….a group of young men came. I guessed this group might be influenced by Ali Setan or Gila-Gila Remaja group… yeah, I know all of your might be know who I refer to……………. Heri, Jamil, Pear, Remi, Azhar ( I think this is the right name). you guys were success in adding ‘masculine’ on male species. Jamil, any other special project you have done? Ada tanah bukit murah-murah tak kt besut tu? Tanam gaharu pulok….
When I registered this course, Izi is the 1st person I met. Very nice to know you and with your helping attitude and hardworking, I wish you will success in your future endeavor. Hafis, your struggling inspired me and I still believe you are a fighter. What was happened is not the end of the world.. Maria and masurida are the 1st Female students that I had said hi. How are you?
Jojo and the gang is the best example of spirit of togetherness. . ‘Together make us stronger’. If they were coming late to the class, they were making it together. Nothing wrong with your action as you were proved the truth of ‘muafakat membawa berkat.’ Thanks guys. If you are not around, maybe I was deaf and speechless in the class. Wani, still malu-malu ke? Ja, how are you now? Org tua ni nk tau je perkembangan terbaru. Dah kembang ke or masih kecut berut camtu lagi. Yoga and Camey, nice to know both of you. Hope you will get a better job as you wish Yoga. Camey, I think now I need module training like Train the Trainer, Supervisory Skills and not forget do you have a sample of collective agreement with national union chemical and oil and gas workers?
I still remember when I saw Ramli and Izati, my first thought is maybe their parents are Roman Abramovich or other oil towkey especially Izati. (Yeah, that time we still did not hear the name of Dr Sulaiman Al-Fahim from Abu Dhabi United Group. Nor and Ramli must be familiar with the person) Until I read the comment made by Gunanalingam ‘we have 1st class infrastructure but 3rd class salaries’. Maybe their parents work at the countries which are used widely McDonald index measurement to measure purchasing power. (McD index? You may refer back in ibc subject). Ramli, I love to see you acted as husband and wife with Johore girl during English preparation class. But I still comfort to ride WBA1500 possessed by Mr Daniel. Still able to blow off Toyota Wish at Karak Highway at 160-170km/h. if you don’t believe, you may ask Jojo, our social escort at that time haha….
Adda, how are you? Are you working now? I really miss to see your masculine arm. A girl with masculine posture..haha… Sensaoil should take your arm to be their model. Don’t feel sad because you are still able to make the men eyes stick on you. I already answered you when you asked about my perception on you. You should know and remember….
Zati, we have special moment together!!?? (Statement make Azwan doubt on you)-. Praise to god to know you. It is interesting for me to see your presentation. Creative…. i hope what you dream will come true and wish you are able to work in Big Four Company… who knows?
Nor, what happen to our bag pack programme? Since my pocket is become lighter, it would not be happened in a short while and maybe will not happen at all. Good to know you as you inspired me a lot to work harder even I was not able to overtake you. (yeah, I use Kia car with MazdaB8 engine but you are genuinely Mazda B8). I need to tell you that you that you are looking amateur when flirting. Like the child ask lollypop from their parents. Not as pro as our master in flirting – a girl. I believe che ma, fifi and kak yong know who’s that girl lalalalalalalala……. She is totally outstanding in this area. Don’t worry nor. There is still has a space for you to improve it. Practice make near to perfect – quoting from what Graham Jones said.
Zarina, kak yong, Fifi and che ma. It is a great time to know you all. I still remember when Fifi point the finger to the male students when mdm Kaur asked to debate why man/woman is better than woman/man. You look so hunger fifi. and how hard Heri at that time to answer your accusation. Ina, i can't remember how we know each other. Sincerely said i never notice you have a 'great asset' until someone told me. Then i realised God always bless me..Sorry.. Che Ma, do you still remember the night we are trapped in the broke down roadrunner van? Very long journey from semambu to IM. Wish you all good luck and all the best in whatever you do.
Special tribute to En Azan for establish of this group. Even though I felt unease when you said rubbish or f*** o** when you taught us, I believe you gave to us the real taste of the world when dealing with North American people. This is what I had when I was working in my previous work place. Less documentation, what agreed verbally just proceeds with it.
I would like to take this opportunity to say sorry to all of you if I have done a lot of mistake either realized or unrealized it. Never stop learning. Tolabu ilmi minal mahdi ilal lahdi.
Hazri,i wanna add sumthing..u forgot bout mr G yg sgt menyusahkan hidup aku...waggggggghhhhhhhh!!!~~~~
Noor,jgn gelak ok!

Recently,i've received an email from Joe_biden :-P
I've edit here and there-(personal purposes)- Hazri,nx time pls mind ur grammar, tenses & so forth + habis hancur kau eja nama org!wagahahahha.
Dear all my valued friends,
Hazri here.. why I used this user name( ayub_akob)? it is really hard to find this kind of classical name of Malay among Malays. Ali, Abu, Ayub, Akob etc. Really miss those names. The 80’s parents prefer to name their children with urban name…. I guess like Hazri??!!, Remi, Heri (sori bro using your name), Joehenaliswati, Ashimalaily ( I think Y is more glamorous than I at the back of the name), fasha Sandha, Asyraff Sinclair etc. Just stated a few of them…………. Why not we recall back those name to your children? …….. in Retro pre independence name… (Zati, Maziah, both are you willing to do that? When both of you are going to 'workshop’? I guess for alignment, balancing and overhaul process)!!?.
When I joined you guys, I saw there was radically reduction on the species called male. Until ……….a group of young men came. I guessed this group might be influenced by Ali Setan or Gila-Gila Remaja group… yeah, I know all of your might be know who I refer to……………. Heri, Jamil, Pear, Remi, Azhar ( I think this is the right name). you guys were success in adding ‘masculine’ on male species. Jamil, any other special project you have done? Ada tanah bukit murah-murah tak kt besut tu? Tanam gaharu pulok….
When I registered this course, Izi is the 1st person I met. Very nice to know you and with your helping attitude and hardworking, I wish you will success in your future endeavor. Hafis, your struggling inspired me and I still believe you are a fighter. What was happened is not the end of the world.. Maria and masurida are the 1st Female students that I had said hi. How are you?
Jojo and the gang is the best example of spirit of togetherness. . ‘Together make us stronger’. If they were coming late to the class, they were making it together. Nothing wrong with your action as you were proved the truth of ‘muafakat membawa berkat.’ Thanks guys. If you are not around, maybe I was deaf and speechless in the class. Wani, still malu-malu ke? Ja, how are you now? Org tua ni nk tau je perkembangan terbaru. Dah kembang ke or masih kecut berut camtu lagi. Yoga and Camey, nice to know both of you. Hope you will get a better job as you wish Yoga. Camey, I think now I need module training like Train the Trainer, Supervisory Skills and not forget do you have a sample of collective agreement with national union chemical and oil and gas workers?
I still remember when I saw Ramli and Izati, my first thought is maybe their parents are Roman Abramovich or other oil towkey especially Izati. (Yeah, that time we still did not hear the name of Dr Sulaiman Al-Fahim from Abu Dhabi United Group. Nor and Ramli must be familiar with the person) Until I read the comment made by Gunanalingam ‘we have 1st class infrastructure but 3rd class salaries’. Maybe their parents work at the countries which are used widely McDonald index measurement to measure purchasing power. (McD index? You may refer back in ibc subject). Ramli, I love to see you acted as husband and wife with Johore girl during English preparation class. But I still comfort to ride WBA1500 possessed by Mr Daniel. Still able to blow off Toyota Wish at Karak Highway at 160-170km/h. if you don’t believe, you may ask Jojo, our social escort at that time haha….
Adda, how are you? Are you working now? I really miss to see your masculine arm. A girl with masculine posture..haha… Sensaoil should take your arm to be their model. Don’t feel sad because you are still able to make the men eyes stick on you. I already answered you when you asked about my perception on you. You should know and remember….
Zati, we have special moment together!!?? (Statement make Azwan doubt on you)-. Praise to god to know you. It is interesting for me to see your presentation. Creative…. i hope what you dream will come true and wish you are able to work in Big Four Company… who knows?
Nor, what happen to our bag pack programme? Since my pocket is become lighter, it would not be happened in a short while and maybe will not happen at all. Good to know you as you inspired me a lot to work harder even I was not able to overtake you. (yeah, I use Kia car with MazdaB8 engine but you are genuinely Mazda B8). I need to tell you that you that you are looking amateur when flirting. Like the child ask lollypop from their parents. Not as pro as our master in flirting – a girl. I believe che ma, fifi and kak yong know who’s that girl lalalalalalalala……. She is totally outstanding in this area. Don’t worry nor. There is still has a space for you to improve it. Practice make near to perfect – quoting from what Graham Jones said.
Zarina, kak yong, Fifi and che ma. It is a great time to know you all. I still remember when Fifi point the finger to the male students when mdm Kaur asked to debate why man/woman is better than woman/man. You look so hunger fifi. and how hard Heri at that time to answer your accusation. Ina, i can't remember how we know each other. Sincerely said i never notice you have a 'great asset' until someone told me. Then i realised God always bless me..Sorry.. Che Ma, do you still remember the night we are trapped in the broke down roadrunner van? Very long journey from semambu to IM. Wish you all good luck and all the best in whatever you do.
Special tribute to En Azan for establish of this group. Even though I felt unease when you said rubbish or f*** o** when you taught us, I believe you gave to us the real taste of the world when dealing with North American people. This is what I had when I was working in my previous work place. Less documentation, what agreed verbally just proceeds with it.
I would like to take this opportunity to say sorry to all of you if I have done a lot of mistake either realized or unrealized it. Never stop learning. Tolabu ilmi minal mahdi ilal lahdi.
Selamat berpuasa and Selamat Hari Raya.
Hazri,i wanna add sumthing..u forgot bout mr G yg sgt menyusahkan hidup aku...waggggggghhhhhhhh!!!~~~~
Noor,jgn gelak ok!
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