"Sweet memories remind us of the roads we have traveled and the people we have loved"

Recently,i've received an email from Joe_biden :-P
I've edit here and there-(personal purposes)- Hazri,nx time pls mind ur grammar, tenses & so forth + habis hancur kau eja nama org!wagahahahha.
Dear all my valued friends,
Hazri here.. why I used this user name( ayub_akob)? it is really hard to find this kind of classical name of Malay among Malays. Ali, Abu, Ayub, Akob etc. Really miss those names. The 80’s parents prefer to name their children with urban name…. I guess like Hazri??!!, Remi, Heri (sori bro using your name), Joehenaliswati, Ashimalaily ( I think Y is more glamorous than I at the back of the name), fasha Sandha, Asyraff Sinclair etc. Just stated a few of them…………. Why not we recall back those name to your children? …….. in Retro pre independence name… (Zati, Maziah, both are you willing to do that? When both of you are going to 'workshop’? I guess for alignment, balancing and overhaul process)!!?.
When I joined you guys, I saw there was radically reduction on the species called male. Until ……….a group of young men came. I guessed this group might be influenced by Ali Setan or Gila-Gila Remaja group… yeah, I know all of your might be know who I refer to……………. Heri, Jamil, Pear, Remi, Azhar ( I think this is the right name). you guys were success in adding ‘masculine’ on male species. Jamil, any other special project you have done? Ada tanah bukit murah-murah tak kt besut tu? Tanam gaharu pulok….
When I registered this course, Izi is the 1st person I met. Very nice to know you and with your helping attitude and hardworking, I wish you will success in your future endeavor. Hafis, your struggling inspired me and I still believe you are a fighter. What was happened is not the end of the world.. Maria and masurida are the 1st Female students that I had said hi. How are you?
Jojo and the gang is the best example of spirit of togetherness. . ‘Together make us stronger’. If they were coming late to the class, they were making it together. Nothing wrong with your action as you were proved the truth of ‘muafakat membawa berkat.’ Thanks guys. If you are not around, maybe I was deaf and speechless in the class. Wani, still malu-malu ke? Ja, how are you now? Org tua ni nk tau je perkembangan terbaru. Dah kembang ke or masih kecut berut camtu lagi. Yoga and Camey, nice to know both of you. Hope you will get a better job as you wish Yoga. Camey, I think now I need module training like Train the Trainer, Supervisory Skills and not forget do you have a sample of collective agreement with national union chemical and oil and gas workers?
I still remember when I saw Ramli and Izati, my first thought is maybe their parents are Roman Abramovich or other oil towkey especially Izati. (Yeah, that time we still did not hear the name of Dr Sulaiman Al-Fahim from Abu Dhabi United Group. Nor and Ramli must be familiar with the person) Until I read the comment made by Gunanalingam ‘we have 1st class infrastructure but 3rd class salaries’. Maybe their parents work at the countries which are used widely McDonald index measurement to measure purchasing power. (McD index? You may refer back in ibc subject). Ramli, I love to see you acted as husband and wife with Johore girl during English preparation class. But I still comfort to ride WBA1500 possessed by Mr Daniel. Still able to blow off Toyota Wish at Karak Highway at 160-170km/h. if you don’t believe, you may ask Jojo, our social escort at that time haha….
Adda, how are you? Are you working now? I really miss to see your masculine arm. A girl with masculine posture..haha… Sensaoil should take your arm to be their model. Don’t feel sad because you are still able to make the men eyes stick on you. I already answered you when you asked about my perception on you. You should know and remember….
Zati, we have special moment together!!?? (Statement make Azwan doubt on you)-. Praise to god to know you. It is interesting for me to see your presentation. Creative…. i hope what you dream will come true and wish you are able to work in Big Four Company… who knows?
Nor, what happen to our bag pack programme? Since my pocket is become lighter, it would not be happened in a short while and maybe will not happen at all. Good to know you as you inspired me a lot to work harder even I was not able to overtake you. (yeah, I use Kia car with MazdaB8 engine but you are genuinely Mazda B8). I need to tell you that you that you are looking amateur when flirting. Like the child ask lollypop from their parents. Not as pro as our master in flirting – a girl. I believe che ma, fifi and kak yong know who’s that girl lalalalalalalala……. She is totally outstanding in this area. Don’t worry nor. There is still has a space for you to improve it. Practice make near to perfect – quoting from what Graham Jones said.
Zarina, kak yong, Fifi and che ma. It is a great time to know you all. I still remember when Fifi point the finger to the male students when mdm Kaur asked to debate why man/woman is better than woman/man. You look so hunger fifi. and how hard Heri at that time to answer your accusation. Ina, i can't remember how we know each other. Sincerely said i never notice you have a 'great asset' until someone told me. Then i realised God always bless me..Sorry.. Che Ma, do you still remember the night we are trapped in the broke down roadrunner van? Very long journey from semambu to IM. Wish you all good luck and all the best in whatever you do.
Special tribute to En Azan for establish of this group. Even though I felt unease when you said rubbish or f*** o** when you taught us, I believe you gave to us the real taste of the world when dealing with North American people. This is what I had when I was working in my previous work place. Less documentation, what agreed verbally just proceeds with it.
I would like to take this opportunity to say sorry to all of you if I have done a lot of mistake either realized or unrealized it. Never stop learning. Tolabu ilmi minal mahdi ilal lahdi.
Selamat berpuasa and Selamat Hari Raya.
Hazri,i wanna add sumthing..u forgot bout mr G yg sgt menyusahkan hidup aku...waggggggghhhhhhhh!!!~~~~
Noor,jgn gelak ok!