Thursday, February 21, 2008
Shopping Shopping!
Dekat depan jusco ada DKNY be delicious booth which is my syg nearly want to buy it but i told him not to do so..kita jln2 dulu.
At the other side (metrojaya) there's a Dior myself pulak yg sgt teruja dgn perfume dior addict .ehehe.even tho im havin 1 at home tp dah nak abes so i ask my syg to buy it as hantaran.
he agreed.
jalan punya jalan i decided to buy a watch.sbb..perfume bila2 bole beli..jam ni mcm meleceh sikit nak kene cari kat certain tempat je we went to the garden.jalan2 takde yg berkenan.patah balik to midvalley.
finally jumpa.
it's **** !!suka.price die pon okla.puas tanak guess dah.sbb guess ni dah jadi jam pakai hari2 so mcm tak special dah.(even tersuka kat satu new collection ni)
bila dah dapat jam,i feels like..oh puas hatinye..lega satu brg dah beli dah.
nx aim: my syg punya cincin!
oh yea,that day kitorg termasuk kat diamond and platinum (D&P) sbb tersuka kat satu cincin ni.huhu.then,that SA bg kitorg free knowledge about the diamond.the "C's" elements kat sesuatu diamond tu.
tak beli pon sbb my syg ajak pergi survey kat tempat lain dulu (he said selberan & habib :-P)
sis kicap if u read this : kitorg tak mampu lg nak pergi cartier,de gem,bvlgari,the carat club or chopard occay! hahaha.
so we end up by buying some chocolate at Patchi.nyum2 sodapnye. ngehhee.
balik2 rumah je tros tido.sakit dokter ambik darah still ada.
mengada kan?
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Pre Wedding Potraitures

Date: 2/2/08
Vanue: FRIM Kepong
Time: 930am to 5pm
Photographer: Rahsia dulu.hahahahaha.
Make up artist: Ahkak Chanela
Theme: Org Kampung
first of all,thnks to our wedding official photographer cuz telah merealisasikan pre-wedding potraitures kitorg smlm (2/2)
we reach at FRIM around 8am and meet the make up artist utk touch up sikit kat my face ni.then around 930 the photoshoot pon before that we having minum2 dulu with our photog there.thnks for belanja us air ya.
the photoshoot start kat air terjun..very dangerous u pakai kebaya so pergerakan sedikit terkawal..nak panjat batu pon hampir2 jugak jatuh dlm air sbb ada satu batu tu licin..huhu..
lps kat air terjun,we moved to tempat lain (menara tinjau there) and taking some shots.masa tu me dah separa photg bought us some air and mknan ringan..thks again!
then we moved to rumah lama kat sana..kat situ i have to change baju..pakai baju kedah which is i bought at mydin (rm3.30) je and kain batik..hahaha..lawak..tak penah2 pakai kain batik kene pakai plak.
sumore kat situ ade org buat event ( i think family day) so jd macam artis la plak bile sume org dok tgk plak jd malu giler..yerla sbb mane penah shoot dpn org ramai..hihihi.
tp my photog bg semangat..die ckp.."jgn peduli org..lantak kan org2 tu* so me like..ha ah kan..aku tak kenal pon dorg tu..wakakakaka.
yg sedikit malang..kami tak berjaya masuk dlm rumah tu which is dlm rumah tu ala2 rumah lame..brg2 sume lama..mmg chantek..esp kat tingkap my photog asked me to panjat from tingkap (dgn kain batik) yg GAYAT ni mmg la rase nak nangis..rumah tu dah ler gelap..seram2 sejuk gitew :-P
but then i managed to go out from tht hse with kain batik too..isk isk isk..
time tu me dah damn tired but am soooo happy and photog pulak diserang pacat2 kat kaki die.pity him :-( (sib baik takde kat my kaki..eeeeeeee)Lastly,we r having lunch (at 5pm?) hehe sumwhere in Kepong too.dekat sana kitorg chit chat until 6pm.sambil2 tu tgk gambar yg our photog ambik.thks yer sbb blanjer kitorg.really appreciate it.huhu
HIV Test
we reach at the clinic around 830am.sampai2 je we all terus register.wait for 15 mins and we got the number (again?) to see the ke?i think so..hahahaha..
lama jugak la tunggu nak masuk..dlm 20mins sumthing then we wait another 20 mins utk result.
i dunno y i damn scared.bkn takut HIV positif ye kwn2 but takut jarum..hahaha.
my syg pon takut smpai pucat2 muka die.. :-P
finally we got the result.As expected: HIV negative.Kalo tak buat ujian pon dah tau mesti negative tp since we need the "evidence" saying that we r free from HIV.hahaha
till then~
**ujian HIV valid for 6 mnths ye kawan2.. sila tgk sini**