Saturday, January 19, 2008

Wedding Card -Finally ~



afta a few arguement (hehe) between me and my syg muchukk masam we finally decided to tmpah our wedding card kat LH creative (Pudu)

my syg was like..errr..nape dtg tempat susah parking ni but im willing to hear (with patience,thats for sure :-P) he mumbling blergh blergh blergh pasal parking..dlm hati (takpe2..berbaloi ni..Tanya kata murah..heheh)

bila sampai kat agak ramai jugak..and design kad die makkk aiii..punye la byk k!till me and my syg rambang which one yg menjadi pujaan hati ni????

last2,afta consider few thing (our wedding concept & theme) we decided to have a simple gold wedding card which is only cost us rm1!!fuh~murah giler okeee!!..last time me survey paling murah rm1.30..(which is i consider murah dah tu..) rupenye ade lg murah...good for us la yg mmg nak cut cost utk kad kahwen ni.. :-)

then we filled a form yg tokey tu some amnt to him..then bulan 3 dtg lg yer (pekerja kat situ ckp).then we walked away with senyum sampai ke telinga dan hati yg lega...

afta that,kitorg jalan2 kat sogo pulak..sbb org ckp tgh sale kan so bes jugak kalo pegi cuci2 mata..
my syg nearly tergoda to buy CK euphoria but then me ckp..jgn terpedaya..nx time mesti ade lg that kinda promotion (even me pon goyah jugak iman ni)

then we go to semua hse..masuk satu kedai ape ntah name kat bawah semua hse tu (next to watson) beli some stuff for vvip guest..i found that barang2 kat situ cheaper than DIOS kat umah aku ni..huhu~sabar je la.

lps tu having laksa kat makcik arab jln TAR...then lastly kitorg pon balik...

tak lame lg dah masuk bulan 2...fuh..kejap je mase ni kan..

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