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Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
Day 5 - What makes you different from everyone else?
Mcmana ni?how shud i know im different from everyone else?
Well,i think satu benda yg i perasan la..i mmg xsuka org cari pasal tak tentu hala..and skali haku banned,i'll ban you forever.
Bukan susah nak memaafkan.maaf tu maybe bole,but to forget i dont think so.
Apa kata YOU guys tell me,apa yg lainnye i ni?hehehe.
Me n rayna @ sogo last sunday :D
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Day 3 - Your idea of the perfect first date
Since i mmg suka pantai,i think perfect 1st date shud be tepi laut sambil tgk sunset.
(tapi jgn lupa smayang maghrib lps tu) =P
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Day 2 - Your favorite movie
Korg pernah tgk?Bes gilerrrrrr cerita ni.
Another my fav movie is.......
Nangisss!tgk juta2 kali pon masih nangis =)
What's yours?
Monday, April 18, 2011
Day 1 - Your favorite song
Whyyy Whyy this song?
Actually thisis first song yg my boyfriend aka my hubby bagi masa bercinta.
Nostalgia habesss ok!
Kalau dgr sekarang can imagine how we go tru all the circumstances before marriage.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
30 days challenge!
Got the idea from another blogger. I read Nurul's blog yg there's another blogger buat this kinda challenge which is i think..KEWL!
Baru la bersemahangaaatt nak update blog kan!
Ok lets !!!!
I nak start esok lah =P
Day 1 - Your favorite song
Day 2 - Your favorite movie
Day 3 - Your idea of the perfect first date
Day 4 - Your favorite photo of your best friend
Day 5 - What makes you different from everyone else?
Day 6 - A song to match your mood
Day 7 - A photo of an animal you'd love to keep as a pet
Day 8 - Your dream wedding
Day 9 - A photo of the item you last purchased
Day 10 - A photo of your favorite place to eat
Day 11 - A photo of your favorite memory
Day 12 - Your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is
Day 13 - A photo of your favorite band or artist
Day 14 - A TV show you're currently addicted to
Day 15 - Something you don't leave the house without
Day 16 - Short term goals for this month and why
Day 17 - How you hope your future will be like
Day 18 - 5 things that irritate ME about opposite/same sex
Day 19 - A photo of something you want to do before you die
Day 20 - The meaning behind your blog name
Day 21 - A photo of something that makes you happy
Day 22 - A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
Day 23 - 15 facts about you
Day 24 - A photo of something that means a lot to you
Day 25 - Who are you?
Day 26 - A photo of somewhere you want to go
Day 27 - What kind of person attracts you?
Day 28 - In this past month, what have you learned?
Day 29 - Something you could never tired of doing
Day 30 - A photo of yourself today + 3 good things that have happened in the past 30 days
Day 2 - Your favorite movie
Day 3 - Your idea of the perfect first date
Day 4 - Your favorite photo of your best friend
Day 5 - What makes you different from everyone else?
Day 6 - A song to match your mood
Day 7 - A photo of an animal you'd love to keep as a pet
Day 8 - Your dream wedding
Day 9 - A photo of the item you last purchased
Day 10 - A photo of your favorite place to eat
Day 11 - A photo of your favorite memory
Day 12 - Your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is
Day 13 - A photo of your favorite band or artist
Day 14 - A TV show you're currently addicted to
Day 15 - Something you don't leave the house without
Day 16 - Short term goals for this month and why
Day 17 - How you hope your future will be like
Day 18 - 5 things that irritate ME about opposite/same sex
Day 19 - A photo of something you want to do before you die
Day 20 - The meaning behind your blog name
Day 21 - A photo of something that makes you happy
Day 22 - A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
Day 23 - 15 facts about you
Day 24 - A photo of something that means a lot to you
Day 25 - Who are you?
Day 26 - A photo of somewhere you want to go
Day 27 - What kind of person attracts you?
Day 28 - In this past month, what have you learned?
Day 29 - Something you could never tired of doing
Day 30 - A photo of yourself today + 3 good things that have happened in the past 30 days
Friday, April 15, 2011
Tak tipu : Bila ada 2org anak ni..
Before mengandungkan aydan,i always think that 2 years is the best time nak tambah anak sorg lagi. Sbb we feeling2 that rayna dh besar,2 thn so apa salahnya tambah lg sorg..
I didnt say it's a big mistake tp tell you the truth,having baby and toddler at the same time is EXTREMELY TIRED!
Tak tipu!!!!!
I still remember bila i balik rumah dgn aydan from hospital,bila kakak nangis,adik takut lalu menangis. Then bila adik nangis kakak pulak nangis.eh ingat xpening?tipu ok ckp tak pening.
Itu belum lg i tgh menyusukan aydan,rayna pon nak susu. I pangku aydan,dia pon nak duduk atas pangku.seriously sometimes rasa nak marah pon ada.
And now lately rayna pulak suka ckp adik dia pukul dia la,tarik rambut dia.punyalah nak perhatian.mmg kene banyak2 sabar.
I told my husband,anak ketiga nanti plssssssssssssssssss tunggu diaorg ni besar sikit. At least aydan 4 tahun ke. Reti bahasa sikit. Mcm sekarang,nak marah rayna pon tak guna sbb dia tak paham apa2.
Rayna's paediatrician pon ckp,at her age jgn sesekali tinggalkan diaorg berdua,takutlah tetiba dia geram ke apa kan.Sbb dr segi mentally,dia still rasa org dh tak sayang dia lg.
So my dear frens,let say la ur 1st child still xreach 3 yrs ++ or at least 2 yrs,you guys better think twice utk tambah anak!hehehe. Lagi lambat sikitlg bagus.
Unless ada helper,i think much easier kot. Mcm kitorg mmg berdua saja.So kelam kabuts sikit nak handle.
But everytime tgk rayna tido,kesian...kecik2 dh kene jd kakak :-(
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Kalau nak cari nursery,carilah yang.....
Sejak pindah ke rumah baru few mnths back,we decided to switch rayna ke new nursery which is dekat sikit lah dgn our new house + nursery tuh quite new and cantik.
Actually it's the same owner dgn current nursery rayna cuma dia bukak cawangan baru.That's the latest branch yg diaorg bukak.
We are soo happy cuz like finally dpt jugak nursery yg semenggah sikit (dari segi persekitaran & kebersihan)
So i bagitahu kat penyelia current nursery yang rayna will no longer go to that nursery.
first week kitorg hantar mmg rayna nangis2 like crazy so we think that is normal sbb ye la,tempat baru..so we'll give her sometime nak biasakan diri tempat baru.
masuk minggu kedua,dia tak nangis kat nursery tp dia akan berdrama kat rumah taknak keluar la,nak ukk ukk la,bag tertinggal kat dalam la..mcm2 hal.bila masuk je simpang nursery she'll stop crying and like tahan2 nangis.bergenang2 airmata.mmg sedih k.
2nd day of 2nd week,maka bermulalah...
masa i nak pass rayna to her cikgu,rayna peluk mcm xnak lepas.then her teacher ckp "cpt kat cikgu!" lepas tu menangis sakan la...bila i nak pergi kereta,i dgr cikgu dia ckp "haa..buat perangai!!"
serius rasa taknak pergi keja but i have to.that day i still remember,i need to do closing.shytee k.i called my husband suruh balik awal and ala2 spot check apa rayna buat kan.
guess what?
masa my husband sampai (around 2pm) semua toddler tgh tdo kat hall tp rayna sorg je tak tdo but dia baring la.hubby ckp rasa nak nagis sbb mcm kene paksa baring and her face mmg tak happy langsung.bila dia nampak je my husband tros melalak!!
and lagi..
ada skali tu i nak ambik rayna,bole tak cikgu dia tak tau dia kat mana?rupa2nya rayna main sorg2 kat blakang pintu.then bole pulak ckp "puan,puteri ni dia mmg tak nak main2 dgn kawan dia"
I was like..
cekgu,that is your responsibility.u have to tackle la this kinda children. dah tentu la rayna budak baru and dia tak kenal sorg pon kat situ.dulu masa rayna kat nursery lama pon perangai dia macam tu but still ada cikgu yang melayan.
the kemuncak...
masa ni i hantar dgn my husband..rayna nangis (mcm biasa) and lepas kitorg pass rayna that teacher said..."hishhh..nangissssssss jee!"
i dgr k.clear.sgt clear.
hubby took halfday,mintak semua barang2 balik (susu,mandian,etc)..that's it.i think 2 minggu dh cukup terseksa utk anak haku duduk kat situ!
we switched back tool nursery.even tho the nursery might look ugly from outside,but all the teacher..i can say...baik and know how to handle toddler. Even masa last day rayna sblm pergi ke nursery baru tu one of the teacher ckp kat i,tak payah la tuka sbb puteri dh ok kat sini..dia dah nak nyanyi and menari dgn kawan2 dia..hmm..
lesson learned.
and now,rayna dh tak nangis lagi whenever we send her..Alhamdulillah. siap bole babai2 mama.
moral of the story,kalau nak cari nursery,selain dr aspek kebersihan,carilah yg penjaganya juga baik hati..sometimes,susah nak cari yg perfect..siapa yg dpt mmg bertuah sgt2.
Will send aydan to same nursery too.glad to knw that their quota only 5 babies this year and insyaAllah aydan will be the youngest! =)
Anak2,sooner or later,mama will take care both of you..promise.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Too cute to resist!
Itu adalah hadiah dari pakcik n makcik Rayna and Aydan khas utk anak menakan diaorg ni.
Dahla kusyen tu lembut gila,ehhh..mmg syiokla nak buat peluk2.
BTW,my BIL is selling this custom made item and you guys can actually order from him.
Sgt2 bes untuk bagi hadiah harijadi kat org,ataupon buat as doorgift utk any event or party..Ada banyak lagi item lain like custom made baloon,Tshirt,car sign,mug,baby bib..semua bole letak pix!
There's no minimum order.and korg bole jugak order in bulk!
Go and get yours!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Bila Yusry KRU wish birthday
Ahh..terharu gittew! Thks to BFF sbb suruh yusry wish hahahahahahhaha!
Oh btw,for this year,hubby had promised to buy me this for my birthday present
Ohh soooo cant wait!
Ntah bila la nak masuk malaysia?
Monday, April 4, 2011
The confinement lady
Assalamualaikum semua!
Siapa kata berpantang banyak masa?aiyooo..xbyk masa i tell you! Sbb my confinement lady dh balik,so i need to do semua benda sendiri..(sobs)
And being me yg tak brapa suka rumah sepah,so i do all the house chores like basuh baju,sidai baju,lipat baju,sapu umah..hehh.xmcm pantang.well,xpelah..takkan nak terbaring je..soo not productive!
Ok back to topic,speaking of the confinement lady..overall i satisfied with her service,especially the urut part..ughhh!rasa mcm-kan bes kalau dia duduk ngan haku tros,balik keje ada org tolong urut (berangan)
Actually Lina yg recommended makcik jannah to me dulu..masa i ask around about confinement lady so she said makcik jannah ni bagus.So why not kan?it's better from other's reccomendation dari memandai2 cari sendiri.
Dulu i was thinking of shadira tp lately banyak pulak complain pasal diaorg. My kolig penah ambik shadira and she said ok. Unfortunately that kakak dh resign pon from shadira and dia buat sendiri tp not in KL la..hmm.
Since there's a few email i got frm my readers tanya psal confinement lady so i nak share few points apa yg makcik jannah buat masa dia stay dengan i.
- Berurut/tungku-ni mmg hari2 dia buat..selalunya pagi la after/before mandi.depends kat kita la.Selalunya i buat before mandi,sbb tak suka biar badan berminyak2,cam rimas =P
- Masak- ha yang ni korg kene bgtau korg nak makan apa. Dia mmg ckp,dia takut nak memandai..kang dia masak ikut sedap dia,takutkita tak makan pulak. Lepas tu,kalau korg nak suruh dia masak utk hubby skali,BAGITAHU!.
- Laundry- Basically she'll do laundry utk baby..utk mak ayah jgnla ingat dia buat pulak sbb dia bukan maid,mind you! tp in my case i rasa diakesian kot tgk my hubby terkejar2..so dia tolong basuh n lipat semua baju dlm rumah
- Penjagaan Baby- Dia akan buat from A to Z..dari mandi,tukar diaper,tidokan baby,semuadia buat..korg nak tdo sepanjang hari pon takde masalah =P Tapi bila baby nak minum susu (susu mak) dia pass la kat kita. Tp dia mmg byk suruh berehat aje.
Seriously,bila ada confinement lady it really helps.siapa2 yg berpantang sendiri without any other helper mmg patutlah ambil CL.Jikalau berkemampuan,ambillah selama sebulan.
You may contact her (bibik jannah) @ 012-9738379
The rate (this year) starts from rm100/day. RM500 deposit is required to secure your booking.
Adalah dinasihatkan korg book la secepat mungkin,sbb i dulu pon book 5 mnth earlier. And baru ni she informed that sampai bulan 7 dia full..
Anyway,bole call and ask about her availability.
P/s: My 44days berakhir hari ni!! Hip Hip Hooorayyyyyyyy!
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