Alhamdulillah,today genaplah 28weeks of my pregnancy. plus minus 84 hari lg!!
Berdebar campur happy.Berdebar sbb tatau kali ni cmna,happy sbb bole cuti lama2 =P
Btw,last week we went to vision college,pergi buat 3D detailed scan, since i read a good review psal that college so we give it a try lah..Mmg ok sbb dia cheaper,RM90 and it takes about more than hour to do the scanning.Berbaloi lah buat 3D4D scan kat vision college tu. For appointment,just call 03-7803 8300..Ramai yg advise call them up early..like myself,i booked 1 mnth earlier.
This time mmg berharap sgt lah dpt tgk gender baby dgn clear,sbb senang nak beli baju2 semua (ceh!) =P
Even tho timing xbtol (sbb baby tgh tido) tp xpela...puas mama pujuk2 baby..finally...

PAPA JUNIOR! (tgk anak panah tu) =P

Baby tgh tido!
Berdebar campur happy.Berdebar sbb tatau kali ni cmna,happy sbb bole cuti lama2 =P
Btw,last week we went to vision college,pergi buat 3D detailed scan, since i read a good review psal that college so we give it a try lah..Mmg ok sbb dia cheaper,RM90 and it takes about more than hour to do the scanning.Berbaloi lah buat 3D4D scan kat vision college tu. For appointment,just call 03-7803 8300..Ramai yg advise call them up early..like myself,i booked 1 mnth earlier.
This time mmg berharap sgt lah dpt tgk gender baby dgn clear,sbb senang nak beli baju2 semua (ceh!) =P
Even tho timing xbtol (sbb baby tgh tido) tp xpela...puas mama pujuk2 baby..finally...
PAPA JUNIOR! (tgk anak panah tu) =P
Baby tgh tido!
Alhamdulillah,sampai jugak hajat my husband nak anak lelaki this time. Me as a mama xkesah pon boy or girl. Kalau girl bagus jugak ada geng =P My husband dr early pregnancy lagi dh beli baju lelaki,berani btol..dia ckp takpe,kalau bukan boy pon simpan lah smpai dapat anak boy! =P
As for myself,i cant stop lookin at baby girl punya baju/stuff yg super cute and adorable! Especially dress,skirts..aaaaaa...(nasib ada rayna!)
Dear friends,doakan semua berjalan lancar dan dipermudahkan k..
As for myself,i cant stop lookin at baby girl punya baju/stuff yg super cute and adorable! Especially dress,skirts..aaaaaa...(nasib ada rayna!)
Dear friends,doakan semua berjalan lancar dan dipermudahkan k..