Monday, February 16, 2009

33 weeks of pregnancy

OMG! Dh 33 weeks,unbelievable! :-P

Anyway,we went for routine checkup last saturday.My lil one dh 2.2Kg,me myself 62 Kg..

Everything is my baby tutup muka dia dgn dua2 tgn so we unable to see our lil one that day.Takpela,malu2 yer or silau?I tot silau if jumpa aunty yip je :-P

Pastu hari tu jugak me kene cucuk.lenguh2 die smpai sekarang.

Nx check-up wud be nx 2 weeks..(bole skip x?) huhuhu~

Anyway,lg berapa minggu nk bersalin and kitorg plan nak habiskan shopping barang2 baby within this mnth.phew~ tp bb cot beli later kot..sbb me and lil one akn balik ke kuantan utk berpantang so i guess bb cot beli masa balik kl nnti laaa..

Actually,ckp psal baby stuff,ada satu bnda yg kami susah sgt nak decide - stroller.

Hari tu my husband dh decide,lps tu ckp nak fikir balik,then last week he decided to ask baby sendiri.

Husband: "assalamualaikum nak tanya,baby nak stroller XXXX tak?.if nak,gerak kay."
Baby: (diam - tak gerak)
Husband: "Ok,if baby taknak XXXX,how about YYYYY?"
Baby: (Still - silent)
Husband: "errmm...ZZZZ????"
Baby: (still- no response)
Husband: "Yang,i think baby tak faham BM la.maybe kene ckp english?"
Me: (laughing).No la,baby tgh tido kot.jgn kacau!!!

Mcm2 tao..I browse some of online babystuff and finally found babyjaya on SALE till the end of the mnth!!Thk god!Yg lagi bes,the stroller yg si daddy dok idam2kan pon on sale.I called up the shop and they said the stroller yg we all nak tu tinggal black color je. kitorg nak kaler merah.SA tu ckp kene order and it takes about a mnth.i guess shud be okay kot sbb baby pon keluar dlm bulan 4 mcm tu :D Janji we still able to get the stroller wif discounted price.


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