a very special thanx to:
1) mak,abah,angah adik yg bykkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk sgt tolong and do lotsa thing for me dr awal hingga akhir majlis.in fact,dah berbulan diaorg work towards it
2) aunty mas: yg menyempurnakan hantaran2 aku.thnx..kita suke!
3) asiyah,wan,noor: u guys i can call kwn susah senang!!!thnx for helping me and my fam and be part of our family members.syg korg sgt2.
4) kak noor: ur make up superb!!!thnx a lot!!!
5) saghaaa laghaaa: ni la satu2nya kawan aku yg jd photographer.aku penah bgtau sara dulu,suruh die ambik pic time aku tunang/kawin..alhamdulillah my dream come true!sara i luv ur shots.cant wait for the printed version!!
6) pakcik makcik sepupu sepapat sepipit whatsoever...thanx!yg plg best almost kazen2 belah mak aku dtg.. :-) den sukoo!!!
7) to kwn2 yg dtg,thnx!kehdiran korg membuatkan aku terharuuu..thnx for the support.even tho ade yg dtg on saturday..thnx..thnx..thnx....imran+hazri..korg mmg sempoi!fifie and jojo..thnx...kpd kwn2 yg lain yg dtg dan yg tak disebutkan disini...many many thnx!
Enjoy the pics!